Magical Thinking

Magical thinking is the idea that your thoughts can affect outcome. Steve Jobs was famous for his magical thinking. He would simply will deadlines to be made and abstract product to be created. It was the secret to his success but the cause of his downfall. His products were revolutionary and he drove his employees to achieve far more than they could have envisioned. In the end however, he chose to pursuit unconventional treatment for his pancreatic cancer and that was sadly unsuccessful.

What does this mean for the real estate investor? Dream big but be very grounded in reality. I am a big think outside box person. True creative thought comes from associating unlike ideas to find a unique solution. Free your mind and fearlessly toss around new solutions to deal with an old problem. The truth is if you keep doing the same thing you will come up with the same result.

Then fearlessly pursuit your new path. It takes commitment to stick to a new agenda and see it through. New concepts and behaviors feel unfamiliar and it takes the confidence of having success and making change habitual before it feels effortless. First you need to believe in the power of change. That is the 1st step.

Staying grounded in reality is equally as important. Some people are very in touch with who they are. Then there are those who have a big gap between who they are and who they think they are. Why? The biggest culprit is ego. Ego will separate you from reality and prevent you from being grounded. Instead of making decision fearlessly you will make decisions based on protecting your ego. The result can be disaster.

Fearlessly or foolishly. Ask yourself. Am I looking at this project/ problem with fresh eyes? Would my product be appealing to me? How can I make it fresher, newer, and more trend conscious? Is there value? Am I staying on budget and in touch financially? Am I on track for the next five years? Ten years?

There are many self help products out there to get you started. I am a firm believer in intentions. I write them down and keep them next to my computer. Some are very concrete like I want to find another building. Some are about more spiritual things like I want to speak the truth with kindness and compassion. As I look through my stacks of intentions that go back for several years, I am proud to say most have happened or are in the works.

It is just that simple.


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