A Holiday Vacancy

Add the word holiday to anything and it sounds somehow more appealing. Even the holiday blues are better that just regular sadness because the word holiday evokes nostalgia. However the holiday vacancy is the most nightmarish kind of vacancy. The one you cannot fill. People do not like to move between Thanksgiving and New Years. If you have a vacancy that is not filled after the 15th of November, it is likely to remain unrented until January.

I felt so smug this year. Just rented the last unit on the 11th of November. Patted myself on the back for my brilliant timing and planned a busy social holiday schedule. 2011 is over and I deserved some R and R.

Then to my surprise I had a tenant abandon their unit. Yes, she up and left with no notice and no reason and lots of mess that included boxes of books in the front yard and big headache for moi.

Blah la la la la!

So, the net net is I am down the income for one unit for at least a month. I will keep all the receipts for the clean up. When I re rent the unit I will send a closing statement documenting my costs. I will charge for the notice and the time to re rent because the tenant had a lease. I had a substantial security deposit so I may break even.

Otherwise, I will find her and take her to court. Regardless, I will treat her like any other departing tenant with a professional closing statement sent to the last know address which is my unit LOL,

2012 is now here and I am ready to fill my holiday vacancy. Happy New Year!

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